Are you CEO or CxO of a tech organization?
Which is becoming too hierarchical due to growth?
Do you want an organizational structure that is as flat as possible and grow (even) faster?
Or do you have several branches, a number of which are growing insufficiently, while you know that there is more in them?
Are you an investor with a tech portfolio
And is the growth of the tech portfolio not as expected?
Do you want to get more out of it and are you looking for a good sparring partner?
Unconventional acceleration
You have a tech company or portfolio with which you want to grow even more. You want to get more out of the organization or branches than you have done so far. Preferably with sufficient autonomy for everyone and not too hierarchical, so that you remain agile in this dynamic digital market.
I work with companies that want to accelerate and investors who want to accelerate their portfolio companies. Unconventional, because my approach is bottom-up instead of top-down. With a clear focus on the (local) market instead of a 'top-down' approach from HQ.
For companies, this is often, initially, a challenge:
Their current top-down way of organizing is what they know (and also see in many other companies). They wonder whether such a top-down way of growing is appropriate for their specific company.
They find it difficult to let go, because of less good experiences from the past. Doing this again involves the necessary risks.
Sometimes they already work in a decentralized way. Although they know that there is room for improvement, it also takes the necessary attention and sufficient attention must continue to be paid to the day-to-day business.
They question their current leadership team. They do want to delegate more responsibilities, but notice that this is not yet sufficiently addressed.
So they keep doing what they did; strongly operationally actively involved in the organization, where the output actually does not meet your expectations.
"The greatest danger in times of turbulence"
ain't the turbulence,
it is to act with yesterday's logic"
Peter Drucker
Growing needs a different approach
Headquarters still play a major role in most multi-site businesses. Although the branches have quite a bit of freedom, the way of organizing is still quite top-down. In practice, they often have to deal with one or more of the following challenges:
The feeling that there is more to get out of the current organization and locations.
Knowing that the switch from central to decentralized control should take place, but not knowing exactly how.
Giving more responsibility to the branches, but noticing that this is not yet sufficiently addressed.
The feeling that the organization is becoming hierarchical and that the current way of organizing is insufficiently effective
Achieving insufficient growth results from the branches.
Finding a better balance between maintaining control over the branches and giving freedom to do business.
I only work with companies that are open to a different approach to get more out of their organization. Companies that want to grow structurally. In an unconventional way. I focus in particular on companies with multiple branches or locations, national or international.
Why do companies and investors come to me?
Companies and investors come to me because they want to get more growth out of the organization. In terms of market, turnover, result, product or service and employees. They are confronted with the lack of effectiveness of the current organization. They experience that the current way of organizing is being challenged and they have often not yet been able to find a good, structural solution.
My clients are ambitious and open to a different way of growing that has already proven its success in practice. They are open to an unconventional approach, which is specific to the company.
Who I work for:
Tech/IT organizations
With a knowledge-intensive product or service.
Who have a growth ambition for the organization.
With a strong belief in decentralized growth.
Who want to let go of control and employees more want to be responsible.
Who no longer believe in a hierarchical way of organizing.
The organization is open to learning how things can be done differently.
Who I don't work for:
Tech/IT organizations
With a product without expertise.
Who deliver physical products or people.
No need for accelerated growth.
Who want to continue to work centrally.
Who are not open to change and who believe in their own approach.
They want to stick to the current way of organizing.
With strong control from the head office and wanting to keep it.
VCs / Investors
Those companies in their tech portfolio want to grow more strongly in turnover and results
Who doubt the leaderhsip team of the companies in their portfolio
Who have even less knowledge and/or experience in the growth market of their portfolio companies
Who are ambitious and want to get more return from their current portfolio with less effort .
VCs / Investors
With only a focus on the very short term
Who believe in centrally organizing from a head office.
Who are not open to change and a different approach.
Those who prefer to do it according to their own approach.
Who do not want an increase in yield.
How the unconventional approach works
This method is an unconventional approach for tech/IT organizations that want to get more growth out of their organization. The method can be applied to organizations:
Who have become too large and too hierarchical and who are open to dividing the organization into several autonomous branches.
With several branches where they want to get more out of the branches in terms of growth and results.
Based on practical experience, this method has been specially developed for tech/IT organizations. The High5 method of growth. Growth often focuses strongly on the rational side of an organization, such as organizational structure, expertise and strategy.
Less often we look at the emotional side of an organization such as the inspiration, identity, 'purpose' and the external emotional side such as the connection with the market.
As an organization grows strongly, less attention will be given to the internal and external emotional side of the organization, while the rational side often gets that attention. This creates an imbalance that will cause a slowdown or even a decline in growth.
A strong balance between the rational and emotional side of the company provides structural growth and this is exactly what the High5 method of growth looks at.
For the step to multiple branches from an organization that has become too large or from branches that need to be optimised. Is the balance between the emotional and rational side of the company essential? This serves as the basis for the future structural growth of the organization.
The High5 method of growth steps
There are several steps that lead to continuous growth. These steps are clustered in the 5 themes below.
Mindset - The right growth mindset of the organization, appropriate to the market.
Connectivity - The strongest connection with the market.
Knowledge - The knowledge that is present and necessary for the growth market.
Behavior - The adaptivity of the organization in line with market dynamics.
Consciousness - The conscious and unique reason for being.

More about the approach..
In the Manual Decentralized Growth (Dutch version only) you will find more information about how the approach could be applied to your unique organization.
What am I going to give you:
A proven method for decentralized growth
The handles for structural growth
Applicable nationally and/or internationally
Insight into your own 'growth blind spot'
The results that the method gives
✔ 23 pages of practical insights in 2022 ...